• Sales and free shipping this Christmas!
  • From the second product 10% off
  • Donations go to animal welfare organizations.
  • Sales and free shipping this Christmas!
  • From the second product 10% off
  • Donations go to animal welfare organizations.

Shipping Policy

We have no control over customs and therefore are not responsible for delays that may occur. Tracking information will be available to you as soon as it is available to us.

Approximate shipping times (does not include weekends / holidays):

a) EE. USA ~ 7 to 15 business days (tracking system available)

b) Rest of the world ~ 7 to 15 business days (available tracking system varies)

Delayed delivery: In very rare cases, packages may take longer than expected. Unfortunately, we are unable to control shipping times and any unexpected delays that may occur en route, and we seek your understanding and patience should this occur. In such cases, we will send a new package if there are no follow-up updates for more than 30-60 business days.

This may be especially true during the busier holiday seasons at the end of the year (November through December), during promotions, or other cases.

Please note that the processing time (4-6 business days) is different from the shipping time and must be added to the total delivery time. Orders generally take 4-6 business days to fully process (verified, packaged, shipped to logistics, and shipped to the post office).

After your order has been processed, your package will be picked up by our shipping company for shipment. An email with your online tracking information will be available on our website.

Processing time: In very rare cases, it may take longer than the established expected time frame. During busy time, such as vacations, promotions or other instances, the processing time may take longer. We do our best to deliver as quickly as possible and seek your understanding and patience during such events.

We are not responsible for any packages that are returned to us as rejected, unclaimed, deliverable, or due to an incorrect or insufficient address.

If you notice an incorrect or insufficient address when receiving the confirmation email, please email us as soon as possible at brilliantlyhelp@hotmail.com in response to your order confirmation email with updated details.

Once we process the order, we cannot change the address and we will not be responsible for an incorrect or insufficient address.

Customs fees are the responsibility of the customer. Check with your local customs agency about fees. Also, please note that on rare occasions, customs agents may delay the delivery of some packages.

In some cases, an order can be divided into different packages for any of the following reasons:
- Certain items may be on hold
- Weight restrictions for regular shipping imposed by the post office
- Different designers / warehouse location (we work from multiple warehouses to bring you the best selections at affordable prices)